Monday 5 August 2013

New Blog Alert!

I've thought about starting this blog for a long time. I've planned... I've planned to plan... I think I've probably even planned to plan to plan. So now writing this at midnight on a July night which just happens to be too warm to sleep in may seem a little odd. Really I just want to get this thing started and, by doing so, give myself a forceful kick in the right direction before I abandon the idea altogether. While browsing through the internet in search of a blog name which was not already taken I found so many blogs which had just been abandoned after just a few posts many years ago or even without any content. It made me realise that I don’t want this blog to end up that way without even trying.

Anyway I suppose you may be wondering at this stage what I’m even doing on this blog. You must be still reading for something, right? Well maybe you just reckon it’d be more effort to close the page than to continue reading. That happens to me sometimes! Either I’ll try to tell you what I’m doing here. First and foremost I’m starting this blog as a place to post my creative writing: the receive feedback and so to improve. In reality in order to keep my writing at a good enough standard and, more importantly, constantly improving I may well not be able to post fiction as often as I would like. So, in order to keep myself and any audience I may build up interested, I will try to vary the creative writing posts with other content. For an example, and maybe a little taster of things to come, I’m including a few photographs which I’ve taken here. They may not be amazing but photography, like writing, is something I would like to improve through this blog.
If any of this sounds interesting to you please follow my blog or its twitter or facebook account where I will keep you updated about new posts and you will be able to give me feedback about what you would like to see. Thanks for reading!

Until next time...


  1. Sometimes a leap into the unknown is the best way forward! Looking forward to reading more x

    1. Thank you! You've made the first comment on my blog and that means a lot to me.x
